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#API Integration

Start by signing up on The Bridge ↗, if you haven’t already. This is Setu’s single portal for managing all your integrations with us.

If you face any issues with integration, raise a support ticket ↗ and our team will reach out.

#Setup on The Bridge

Step 1 — Create a biller

The primary entity on the BBPS network is called a “biller”. Go to the list of products offered by Setu, and select one of the product cards under Payments > Collect BBPS.

You will see multiple Collect BBPS cards, each by a different bank provider. While the underlying bank might differ, the product experience itself remains consistent across providers. Click on one of those cards, and you should see the full profile page with more details about the product. Click on the “Create a biller” button.

Create a biller

Here, enter the name of the biller. This is what your customers will see and search for in the payment apps, so make sure it has no errors.

Below that, select the category this biller belongs to. Right now Setu supports only two categories, but should begin adding more soon. Now click on the “Create biller” button.

And done! The biller has been created, and you can proceed to the biller dashboard.

Step 2 — Add product configuration

Please note, any changes made to the Production configuration, will require approval from a Setu admin. Until approved, the changes will not be made live. This maker-checker process exists to ensure that there are no accidental updates to the configurations of live products.

The following explanation is done keeping in mind you’re in the Sandbox environment.

After the biller creation step, we should be on the biller profile. Here, you will see four tabs—Dashboard, which is an overview page, Configuration has all the integration details for this biller, Transactions where you can see test payments made to this biller, and Copy to Production, to copy the same config to Production later.

Biller dashboard

Click on the Configuration tab to begin setting up your biller. For a configuration to be complete, you need to—

  • Add at least one customer identifier, which helps the payment app identify a specific customer, in order to pull their bills from the biller system. For example, a customer’s loan number might be used to retrieve their EMI payment.
  • Setup URLs to tell Setu where to fetch the bills from the your system, and the auth mechanism. You can also optionally setup a callback URL to receive notifications.
  • Add settlement accounts, for receiving funds from Setu once customers make a successful payment. In Sandbox, these would be only mock transactions.
Add customer identifier(s)

Begin by defining at least one identifier. An app like PhonePe or GPay will ask your customer to fill in a value against this identifier—that would be unique to that customer and help them fetch their own bill.

You can add up to 4 identifiers—mark them as mandatory or not mandatory, depending on the customer experience you want to give and APIs you build to support this. If you mark all identifiers as optional, the customer can enter any one of them in order to be identified and see the relevant bill.

Biller configuration

Attribute name is what your system recognises as the identifier to uniquely identify a customer.

Displayed as is what the user would see in an app like PhonePe or GPay.

Length denotes the minimum and maximum characters the customer can enter for the identifier.

Regex / pattern helps to check if the identifier entered by the customer is valid or not.

Once you enter these values, you can save it, and add another if you wish.

Sample customer identifier

You can test customer identifiers that you configure, on Bridge. A sample app is available at the bottom-right of the screen on your configuration page, to test the integration.

Add URL endpoints

The baseURL is from where Setu can fetch bills and receipts from the biller system.

Setu will add /bills/fetch/ or /bills/fetchReceipt at the end of this URL.

The following web APIs need to be exposed by a Setu biller—

These will be invoked by BBPS via the Setu platform. More details on implementing these APIs have been provided below.

The callbackURL is for Setu to send notifications for BILL_SETTLEMENT_STATUS event only. If you want to implement this, read more here.

Please note, Setu will add /notifications at the end of this URL.

Biller URL configuration

Setup the baseURL along with its auth scheme. Depending on the scheme you select, you would need to provide the corresponding credentials.

If you require notifications along with every settlement event, then setup the callbackURL as well.

Add settlement account(s)

Settlement accounts are where Setu will deposit money into after the customer has made the payment. Keep in mind that in Sandbox, these are mocked, and involve no money movement.

Biller settlement account

Add the account holder’s name, account number and IFSC. You can also add multiple accounts, and have funds split between them based on settlement instructions. Read more here.

#APIs to implement

Fetch customer bill

This is a multi-leg transaction between BBPS, Setu, and the biller system.

BBPS calls Setu with customer identifier(s) details entered by a customer on a BBPS enabled app / offline collection point.

Setu calls the biller with the same details with the API to fetch bill for the customer, and then, shares it with BBPS.

BBPS bill fetch cycle

The biller’s API URL is expected to be in the following format—


Please note, Setu will add the /bills/fetch at the end of this URL.

The request body will specify the customer identifier—

"customerIdentifiers": [
"attributeName": "customerId",
"attributeValue": "9117534711"


  • customerId is defined as per biller's use case, such as loanNumber, studentId, etc
Response scenarios

When BBPS sends a fetch bill request to Setu, Setu forwards the request to biller specified baseURL. Setu expects to receive a response from the biller system, with three possible scenarios—

  • Success, with outstanding bill for customer
  • Identifier matched, but no outstanding bill for customer
  • Failure, no customer found

Scenario 1: Success, with outstanding bill for customer

The is when the customer is present in the biller system, and has outstanding bills. In this case, the biller can return a 200 response—

"data": {
"customer": {
"name": "Sharmaji Ka Beta",
"additionalInfo": [
"EMI Amount": "900"
"Charges": "100"
"billDetails": {
"bills": [
"items": [],
"generatedOn": "2022-06-07T05:18:02.234Z",
"customerAccount": {
"id": "9117534711"
"recurrence": "ONE_TIME",
"aggregates": {
"total": {
"amount": {
"value": 100000, // in paise
"currencyCode": "INR"
"displayName": "Total Receivable"
"billerBillID": "891234567",
"amountExactness": "EXACT"
"billFetchStatus": "AVAILABLE"
"status": 200,
"success": true


  • additionalInfo items will be displayed in the Payment App/site which can describe additional information about the bill.
  • items are used to show details about the bill / itemized break up. Maximum of 4.
  • generatedOn and dueDate must adhere to the following guidelines from NPCI
    • generatedOn should not be greater than dueDate
    • generatedOn should not be a future date
    • dueDate should not be equal to generatedOn

Scenario 2: Identifier matched, but no outstanding bill for customer

When a customer is identified in the biller system but has paid all bills, and so, has no outstanding bill amount. In this case, the biller can return a 200 response—

"data": {
"billDetails": {
"billFetchStatus": "NO_OUTSTANDING",
"bills": []
"customer": {
"name": "Sharmaji Ka Beta"
"success": true,
"status": 200

The dueDate can be the last payment date from the customer or the current timestamp.

Scenario 3: Failure, no customer found

Either the biller does not recognise the parameter, or there are no customers with that particular parameter. Then, the biller can return a 400 response—

"success": false,
"status": 400,
"error": {
"traceID": "XXXXXX",
"code": "customer-not-found",
"docURL": "",
"detail": "A customer with the provided credentials does not exist in the biller system.",
"title": "customer-not-found"

Fetch bill payment receipt

This is a multi-leg transaction between BBPS, Setu, and the biller system. As described in the diagram below, BBPS calls Setu, and Setu in turn calls the biller with fetchBillReceipt

BBPS payment cycle

Once a payment is received against a bill, Setu gets a notification and in turn makes the fetchBillReceipt API call to the biller system. The biller’s API URL should be in the following format—


Setu adds the /bills/fetchReceipt at the end of biller provided baseURL.

A typical request for a receipt would look something like—

"platformBillID": "906910589572351478",
"billerBillID": "891234567",
"paymentDetails": {
"amountPaid": {
"value": 1000,
"currencyCode": ""
"billAmount": {
"value": 1000,
"currencyCode": ""
"platformTransactionRefID": "26602931-3b6a-4c87-a14d-5d7cf584008f",
"uniquePaymentRefID": "PP012151MYB616O9BSY1",
"instrument": "UPI",
"additionalInfo": null,
"transactionNote": "",
"transactionTimestamp": "2020-05-22T03:05:22.000Z",
"campaignID": ""

Once you receive this call—

  1. Create a receipt against uniquePaymentRefID.
  2. Update your ledger to reflect this new balance.
  3. Return a 200 response with id and date.
Success response
"status": 200,
"success": true,
"data": {
"receipt": {
"id": "XYZ987-891234567",
"date": "2022-06-07T05:55:54.789Z"

Failure scenarios

Case 1

If your system cannot accept or process payment due to some use case or validation related error or business requirement or Technical error on biller server (such as server down, bad gateway, unavailable, etc), you respond with a 500 response -

"status": 500,
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": "unable-to-fulfill-request",
"detail": "An error occured while processing this request.",
"docURL": "",
"title": "API_ERROR",
"errors": [],
"traceID": "XXXXXX"


  • During Payment request, when your system fails to respond to Setu in 30 secs or responds with an error, the request to /fetchReceipt will be reattempted with the same request body as the first attempt.
  • You must implement a Duplicate check against uniquePaymentRefID
    • If the uniquePaymentRefID doesn't exist for that Transaction, you must update the same and return a 200 Success response
    • If the same uniquePaymentRefID exists in your system for that Transaction, you can return a 200 Success response

Security considerations
  1. The API should work from only whitelisted IPs (on production)
  2. HTTPS is mandatory
  3. Authentication mechanism is required. Supported methods—Basic auth, JWT, OAuth.

#APIs to call

Expire Bill (optional)

This API immediately changes the status of an unpaid link to BILL_EXPIRED. The customer would not be able to pay using the link or the associated VPA, but even if they are somehow able to do that (due to app caching or similar issues) the amount would automatically be refunded.

platformBillID is a unique identifier for a bill on Setu's system and has to be provided to expire the bill. This is made available in the Create Payment Link API's response.


Authorization: Bearer (insert_token_here). Read about how to generate this token here.
"status" : 200,
"success" : true

In case the platformBillID provided is incorrect, Setu will respond with 400 bill not found error—

"status": 400,
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": "bill-not-found",
"detail": "Bill with ID [<platformBillID>] not found.",
"docURL": "",
"title": "PLATFORM_ERROR",
"errors": [],
"traceID": "XXXXXX"

If a bill has been expired, ideally, a payment by a customer would not be allowed, if verify VPA call returns an error on a payment app.

But if the verify VPA call was not made and the customer makes a payment, payment will go through but will be refunded in the settlement flow.

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