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#Embed Setu screens

Setu’s screens provide a pre-built UI for the consent approval flow, where your customer can approve or reject consent requests.

You can theme these screens according to your brand colors and logo.

#Account discovery methods

The Account Aggregator ecosystem does not have a native method to truly auto discover accounts of a user. Hence, various methods are implemented to discover accounts, for use in different scenarios.

Managed bySub typeSuitable forUser experience
Setu managed
FIU does not know the user's bank(s) before AA flow
Lite auto discoveryWhen the user is likely to have accounts in popular banksAccounts in top banks are auto discovered. Can fallback to manual discovery, allowing user to select banks manually.
Manual discoveryWhen the user may or may not have accounts in popular banksUser must explicitly choose their banks and discover accounts
FIU managed
FIU knows the user's bank(s) before AA flow
Guided auto discovery
  • When the FIU wants control over what banks users choose
  • When FIU wants to route users smartly between AA and other backup data sharing methods of their own
Accounts are auto discovered from FIU specified banks (max 6)

Setu managed lite auto discoverySetu FIP is the popular sample bank used to auto discover accounts and Setu FIP 2 sample bank is manually selected by the user.

Setu managed manual discoverySetu FIP and Setu FIP 2 sample banks are manually selected by the user.

FIU managed guided auto discoverySetu FIP and Setu FIP 2 sample banks are specified by the FIU.

These discovery methods apply to non bank FI types as well. Banks have been used for ease of understanding.

FIU managed guided auto discovery

To implement this discovery method, FIUs must send the list of FIPs (max 6) that should be used for a particular consent, via the context property of the consent object.

FIUs must ensure to send only those FIPs with status as active, which can be determined with the Get Active FIPs API. FIP status should be determined in realtime, before creation of each consent using this API.

#Redirection mechanism

Once you make the Create Consent request, a url is returned which can easily be embedded as a webview or be used to redirect from a website. The URL is of the form:

https://< fiu-base-url >/consents/webview/< consent-request-id >

  • < fiu-base-url > — This is the base URL of the FIU service provided by Setu.
  • < consent-request-id > — This is the request ID of the consent generated returned after the create consent request.

The create consent request also takes a redirectUrl. Once the approval/rejection flow has been completed by the user, Setu redirects back to the specified redirectUrl with some query params:

  • success — This is a boolean representing whether the approval was successful or not. (true for approved and false for rejection)
  • id — Request ID of the consent
  • errorcode — This is the error code representing the reason for failure. Sent only if success = false. Error code 1 means user rejected the consent and 5 means user cancelled the consent.
  • errormsg — This is the error message representing the detailed reason for failure. Sent only if success = false. To know more about the error messages and it's meaning, please refer to the Consent error codes section.

The redirect URL can be configured separately for each consent request, and would also send back any query params that you already have in the URL.

Please find the below integration steps to embed Setu’s consent manager screens into your application.


Redirect your customer to consent manager url received after Create Consent request. Once your customer has approved or rejected consent, this final screen in the consent manager will show a button that will redirect your customer to the redirectUrl provided by you in the Create consent API.

#React Native

For cross-platform apps built using React Native, Setu’s consent manager can be embedded into the app using a web view. This web view loads the consent manager inside your app.

Below are the steps to embed the consent manager into React Native app,

  • Implement a web view. Setu uses the WebView component from react-native-webview library. You’re free to choose any other library for implementing this.

  • Pass the consent manager URL into the uri parameter on the WebView component. Ideally, this URL can be sent as a parameter from the previous screen to the WebView screen.

  • WebView component exposes a function onNavigationStateChange which is called every time there is a change in the navigation of web view.

  • Use this function to check if the current navigation state URL of the web view is the same as the redirect URL you passed in consent manager URL. If yes, you can intercept that and change the screen from web view to a different screen in your app.

import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, ActivityIndicator, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import WebView from "react-native-webview"; // Load WebView from "react-native-webview"
export default function WebView({ navigation }) {
const webviewRef = useRef(null);
// Set the redirect URL used during consent creation
const redirect_url = "https://redirect.xyz";
// Check if navigation state URL and redirect URL are the same
const onNavigation = (navState) => {
if (navState.url.includes(redirect_url)) {
// If yes, change the navigation and take your customer to a new screen.
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.flexContainer}>
uri: "https://<fiu-base-url>/consents/webview/<consent-request-id>",
renderLoading={() => (
<ActivityIndicator color="black" size="large" style={styles.flexContainer} />
// Styles
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
flexContainer: {
flex: 1,
margin: {
marginTop: 50,

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