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#API integration

Setu BillPay allows you to register as an agent on the BBPS network and enable BBPS bill payments on your app or website. All approvals are done by Setu, our bank partner and BBPS.

This page covers how you can integrate with our APIs, develop corresponding screen flows and go live with BBPS payments.

#How to integrate

Use provided API reference to start integration. Request for a detailed API run through from Setu team, if needed. Contact us at Setu Support, should you need any help during integration.

A summary of the integration process—

  1. Get your API keys
  2. Provide details to set up agent
  3. Start API integration
  4. Share screens for NPCI approval
  5. Run and submit test cases
  6. Get production credentials and go live

Each of these steps are described in detail below.

#Step 1 — Get your API keys

You have to use X-PARTNER-ID in the auth header and clientID and secret as the bearer token. Get these values by reaching out to the Setu team at onboarding@setu.co.

Once you have the credentials, get the token by making a POST request to https://sandbox-coudc.setu.co/api/v1/auth/token.

"clientID": "james-bond",
"secret": "5ja0077m-55e0-47s9-9bo7-ndaa18a7c0f7"

You then get a token which can be used to make Authenticated requests to BillPay APIs.

"expiresIn": 600,
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImxEUXBadm5xRmtTdlRaMDV6NFdjTjl0My0zY0JSVWo5di1rYnVNX2dpQkEifQ.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.svjuDXhx71uur_XYDCYLlObPBWctPHCDn1DtAAS-xMvnAvPdgqqVIUbGXdBxePE-blJPUDWH9J4ZXj5-kvi3onGdnmQxZcckW7dmIRrfTtUMCBj_4iefqiDV1D58Fblf9hCGjVGVWL9fuatNFvV46IaVREfaUTKuSbqwzhMpSGICJWhOM1Jt1Z2pB0x3e55dgmqhjeThZrstOwsJ2GTQ5N9gFennpmqmK_HVXU-rFwJzD44EMsN5GeH6Hh8zSC35NYkagrrlOkiuPGukoOMC9xFeGKGMSML3ve8_NmPVdhM6BaOwsau4wEJ-VV4oRY7TEl7d-IXmZqCVE0vyV2GZjQ",
"success": true,
"traceId": "C3SFG0O6N88R6UI7EQ"

#Step 2 — Provide details to set up agent

To reiterate, an agent is an entity on BBPS, that enables its customers to pay any business that is listed on BBPS. For this, you need to use your details registered on BBPS, with an agent ID, to fetch bills for customers, from BBPS-listed businesses.

Share business details

Reach out to onboarding@setu.co to get a list of business details you need to provide to set up your BBPS agent ID(s).

Share callback URL

It is recommended that you set up a callback URL to receive notifications for various types of events, while using—

  • APIs to fetch bill for a customer
  • APIs to validate customer identifier with a biller
  • APIs to for completing a bill payment
  • APIs to raise disputes against a payment
  • APIs to receive an automatic bill due notification

When this is enabled by you, any successful fetch, validate, payment or dispute event gets posted to your callback URL.

You may specify only one callback URL. This should be a valid URI string that starts with either https:// or http:// scheme.. For e.g., https://my-billpay-callback.com.

Setu will append the following default paths to this callback URL, to alert your on specific events—

Event typePath
fetch a bill/bills/fetch/response
validate bill details/bills/validate/response
payment of bill/bills/payment/response
dispute against bill/bills/dispute/response

You may also optionally choose to specify custom paths or URLs for fetch/validate/payment/dispute events too. The URL may be relative (a path, without a host) or absolute (starting with a scheme).

In case you specify a path, it will get appended to the callbackURL value. If you specify a URL, it will simply override the callback URL value for that particular event.


There are also other events that are not related to the core BillPay APIs, but are updates about the businesses on BBPS.

This would include alerts on businesses that may be delisted from BBPS, or if a business updates the type of identifier they accept to fetch a customer’s bill. If you maintain a database of BBPS businesses, you may want to use such events to stay up-to-date. Find the full list of events here.

#Step 3 — Start API integration

Once you have received your API keys and agent ID for testing, you can integration with our APIs and start testing out different scenarios for fetching/paying bills or for raising disputes and managing its resolution.

#Step 4 — Share screens for NPCI approval

The screens you build as part of your app needs to conform to BBPS guidelines. You should submit a document with screenshots for the following screens—

  • Category list screen, on which all BBPS categories are listed.
  • Biller list screen, on which all billers under a selected category are listed.
  • Customer input screen, where a customer enters identifiers specific to a selected biller, before their bill can be fetched.
  • Payment confirmation screen, on which the customer confirms bill amount and proceeds with payment.
  • Payment status screen, when payment is being processed and is finally either successful or failed.
  • Confirmation SMS, this is the text that is sent after a payment is successful or failed.
  • Bill receipt screen, through which a customer can view and download receipt for a successful transaction.
  • Raise complaint screen, where a customer can raise complaint. Complaints are raised against specific transaction IDs.
  • Complaint status screen, where a customer can see the latest status associated with registered complaint.

You may use the BBPS branding guidelines provided here. BBPS logo assets can be downloaded here.

Here is a BBPS-compliant UX flow and a quick summary of BBPS guidelines to keep in mind—

  • The app / website UI must contain a button for “Pay bills” with the BBPS logo shown.
  • BBPS logo must be present on top right corner of all screens used by customer during search of biller or bill and also for screens relating to payment of bill.
  • BBPS assured logo must always be shown on the payment sucessful and payment receipt pages. The regular BBPS logo can be removed from these.

#Step 5 — Run and submit test cases

Copy the below table in an Excel or Google sheet and run all test cases. Submit documented results in the same format. The results will verified by Setu and the bank to generate production credentials.

Postman logs not considered valid. Share results only once screen integration is complete.

Case IDBusiness scenarioTest case descriptionPositive/NegativeExpected result formatLogsResult
CL1Listing of categoriesCall the get categories API. The API will return a list of category codes.PositiveAttach log file containing URL and response
BL1List of billers in categoriesCall the biller list API and make sure you are able to see a list of billers.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response for at least 3 categories
BL2List of billers in categoriesCall the biller list API for a category code that does not exist.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF1Bill fetch - step 1Call the bill fetch register API.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF2Bill fetch - step 2Call the get fetched bill API with the right context from bill fetch register API. Assert that the bill is returned.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF3Bill fetch - step 1 (invalid param)Call bill fetch API with wrong customer parameters for the biller. This will give error.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF4Bill fetch - step 1 (invalid regex)Call bill fetch API with wrong customer parameters with invalid regex. This will give error.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF5Bill fetch - ADHOCCall bill fetch API register and get fetched bill API for DTH. Assert that amount is not returned.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF6Bill fetch - Wrong customer valueCall bill fetch API by entering wrong customer parameter input. Assert that you get an error for invalid customer parameter.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BP1Bill payment - step 1Call bill payment API for a successful bill fetch.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BP2Bill payment - step 2Call get payment status API after a successful bill payment.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BP3Bill payment - Adhoc - step 1Call bill payment API for a successful bill fetch for DTH.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BP4Bill payment - Adhoc - step 2Call get payment status API after a successful bill payment.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BF7Bill fetch for zero amountCall bill fetch API 1 day after you have made payment. Assert that you get the “no bill due” error.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
CT1Raise disputeCall raise complaint API after you have successfully completed payment.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
CT2Get dispute statusCall complaint status API after you have successfully completed payment.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
BD1Get biller detailsCall the biller details API with a valid biller and category code to see biller fields.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response for at least 3 combinations
BD2Get biller detailsCall the biller details API with an invalid biller or category code which does not exist. This will give error.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response for at least 3 combinations
FD1Get biller fieldsCall the biller fields API with a valid biller and category code to see biller fields.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response for at least 3 combinations
FD2Get biller fieldsCall the biller fields API with an invalid biller or category code which does not exist. This will give error.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response for at least 3 combinations
AI1Amount limitationMake a payment of Rs. 49999.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
AI2Amount limitationMake a payment of Rs. 50000.NegativeAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response
AI3Amount limitationTest all payment modes with limits.PositiveAttach log file containing URL, Request and Response

#Step 6 — Get production credentials and go live

You will receive production credentials once all the approvals and agreements are done. On receiving the production credentials, you can verify your integration and go live.

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