#Error codes
Typical errors you might come across, and what to do in the face of adversity.
#Sample error object
// Sample error object{"status" : number, // HTTP status code, (eg 400, 404 etc)"success" : false,"error" : {"code" : "string", // Setu error code"title" : "string", // Title of the error"detail" : "string", // Detail of the error"docURL" : "string", // optional — if there is any documentation about the error"traceID" : "string", // optional — trace// The child error array follows a similar pattern as above"errors" : ["code" : "string","title" : "string","detail" : "string","docURL" : "string",]}}
#Generic errors
In some rare cases, if Setu is unable determine the exact cause of a failure, Setu will return one of these generic error codes. Contact Setu here with the traceId
in the response if you need more help.
400 | bad-request | This is a request-level issue. |
401 | unauthorised | This is a request-level issue. |
403 | forbidden | This is a request-level issue. |
404 | entity-not-found | This could be a platform error. |
404 | path-not-found | It’s likely that the URL to which the request was made is invalid. Verify the URL, or if that doesn’t help, contact Setu. |
500 | unable-to-fulfil-request | Something went wrong while trying to process the request. Try again in a little bit, or contact Setu. |
500 | bad-gateway | Try again in a little bit. If that still fails, contact Setu. |
503 | service-unavailable | It’s likely that the server to which the request was made is down. Try again after some time, or if that doesn’t help, contact Setu. |
#Specific errors
These error codes are tailored to respond to a wide variety of failure cases, and to make error handling a lot easier.
400 | invalid-param | Please check your request, one of the parameters used does not seem valid. Check the error response for more details. |
400 | header-not-found | Some of the headers in your request seems to be missing. Check the error response for more details. |
400 | malformed-request | The request payload seems invalid, and doesn’t conform to the Setu spec. Please fix and try again. |
400 | invalid-auth-header | The authorisation header in the request seems invalid. It’s likely that the authorization header, or the bearer , or the JWT token is missing. |
400 | invalid-signature-header | The signature header is either seems invalid. Either the digest header is malformed, or the signature algorithm is not supported. Please check the response object for more details. |
401 | jwt-verification-failed | The JWT token used in the request cannot be verified. Please fix that and try again with a proper token. |
401 | signature-verification-failed | The signature used in the request cannot be verified. Please fix that and try again with a proper signature. |
401 | jwt-token-expired | The allotted time for the JWT token used in the request seems to have lapsed. Please retry with a new JWT token. |
403 | request-not-authorised | This particular request does not seem to have the authorisation to perform the operation. Check the error response, and retry with a right X-Setu-Product-Insance-Id . |
405 | method-not-allowed | The HTTP method used to make the API request is not allowed here. Please check the error response for more details. |
425 | duplicate-request | Looks like you’ve made the exact same request before, with an identical issuedAt value in the JWT token. Retry with a new token, with a fresh value. |
#Biller errors
These error codes are specific to the biller.
400 | insufficient-customer-identifiers | The provided customer identifiers are not enough to uniquely narrow down a customer in our system. Check the error response for more details. |
400 | customer-not-found | A customer with the provided credentials does not exist in the biller system. |
400 | bill-not-found | A bill with the provided billerBillId does not exist in the biller system. |
400 | bill-already-fulfilled | Looks like this particular bill has already been paid. |
#Payer errors
These error codes are specific to the payer.
400 | payment-instrument-not-allowed | Looks like the payment was made with a payment instrument that isn’t supported by the biller. |
400 | incorrect-payment-scheme | Looks like the payment scheme to pay this particular bill is incorrect. |
400 | bill-expired | The time period for the bill payment has expired. |
400 | incorrect-amount | Looks like the payment was made with the wrong amount. |
400 | bill-already-fulfilled | Looks like this particular bill has already been paid before. |
400 | biller-not-available | The requested biller seems to be down right now. Sit tight, Setu will notify you when the biller is back up. |
400 | biller-not-found | The biller with the given ID does not seem to exist. You can use the getBillers API to verify the correct ID. |
400 | insufficient-customer-identifiers | The provided customer identifiers are not enough to uniquely narrow down a customer in our system. Check the error response for more details. |
400 | invalid-customer-identifier | The customer identifiers don’t seem to be valid. Check the error response for more details. |
400 | customer-not-found | There seems to be no customer with the provided identifiers in the biller’s system. Please verify with the customer. |
400 | bill-not-found | There seems to be no bill with the provided identifiers in Setu’s system. Please recheck and try again. |
500 | biller-unable-to-fulfil-request | The partner to which the request has to be forwarded is unable to fulfil the request currently. |
502 | biller-down | The biller seems unreachable right now. Try again in sometime, or contact Setu with the traceId in the response. |
#Payment processor errors
These error codes are specific to the payment processor.
400 | incorrect-charge | One or more of the charge calculations don’t seem to add up. This could either mean that the MDR doesn’t match the payment instrument and scheme, or a simple math error. Investigate further to determine the cause. |
400 | incorrect-amount | The requested amount for this bill seems wrong. This could mean that the aggregate refund amount does not match the payment or refund transaction amounts. In some cases, it might be that the processing fee amount doesn’t match the charge component amounts. |
400 | incorrect-transaction-count | The total number of transactions mentioned seems wrong. There are three possibilities for this mismatch—payment transaction count and its aggregate, the refund transaction count and its aggregate, or the total transaction count and its aggregate. Dig deeper to determine the exact cause. |
400 | settlement-failed | The bill settlement request has failed. |
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