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#Signing config creation

The signing config is a JSON that specifies on which pages and at what coordinates the specific user has to sign. The size of the signer's rectangle.

  • Signing config allows you to sign at multiple places on same page.
  • Sign at multiple places on different pages.
  • Sign at any coordinate on a page.

#Understanding the config schema

"signers": [
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [0,1]
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 358,
"lowerLeftY": 232,
"upperRightX": 498.53009106595096,
"upperRightY": 272.52901734104046
"pages": [2]
  • The signers array specifies the config for each signer. Each signer config has information about what pages and coordinates the specific signer has to sign.
  • The above example indicates there is one signer. Who should sign at (x1:402, y1:53, x2:542, y2:93) on pages 0 and 1. Assuming starting index as 0. On coordinate (x1:358, y1:232, x2:498.53, y2:272) on page 2.
  • The coordinates are the lower left and upper right of the diagonal of the sign rectangle.
  • The config can be used to get flexible configurations like one signer signs on multiple places on the same page with multiple signers in the overall configuration.
  • The optional field indicates whether the sign by that signer is required for completion of document.


#Multiple signers, different pages and same coordinates

Signer 1 signs at (x1:402, y1:53, x2:542, y2:93) on pages 0 and 1.

Signers 2 signs at (x1:402, y1:53, x2:542, y2: 93) on pages 2 and 3.

"signers": [
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [0,1]
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [2,3]

#Multiple signers and one signer signs in multiple places on the same page

Signer 1 signs at (x1:402, y1:53, x2:542, y2:93) on pages 0 and 1.

Signer 1 signs at (x1:358, y1:232, x2:498, y2:272) on pages 0 and 1.

Signer 2 signs at (x1:402, y1: 53, x2: 542, y2:93) on pages 2 and 3.

"signers": [
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [0,1]
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 358,
"lowerLeftY": 232,
"upperRightX": 498,
"upperRightY": 272
"pages": [0,1]
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [2,3]

#Upload signing config

Setu has processed your request successfully.

Upload the signing config to get the config id in response.
The request body should be a continuos string. To achieve that, remove line breaks from the JSON before uploading. (remove line break)

POST /api/signature/config
"signers": [
"optional": false,
"signRectangles": [
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 402,
"lowerLeftY": 53,
"upperRightX": 542,
"upperRightY": 93
"pages": [0, 1]
"coordinate": {
"lowerLeftX": 358,
"lowerLeftY": 232,
"upperRightX": 498.53009106595096,
"upperRightY": 272.52901734104046
"pages": [2]


You will get the following details—

  • Unique configId id which can be used to create signature request.
  • The same configId can be used across multiple signature request using doc of one type.
"configId": "825169c7-08a4-4739-94d5-0d8c4ef5e4f1",
"traceId": "5de9b52d-1252-409b-9bc5-063fa67f8191"

#Flow of API calls

Read more about the flow of API calls here