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#Error codes and messages for Digilocker APIs

Below is a table which contains the error codes and corresponding error messages, for errors that may occur during the Digilocker flow.

Error code Error message
invalid_redirect_url Please enter a valid redirect URL.
request_not_found The request id is invalid/expired.
user_not_authenticated User is not authenticated to access this resource
token_revoked The user has revoked the token for the given request.
aadhaar_not_linked The user has not linked his Aadhaar card with Digilocker account.
invalid_token The access token for the user has expired.
invalid_grant Access has not been granted to this document.
bad_request Malformed request. Verify if the docType and search parameters are correct.
The orgid parameter is missing or invalid
URI parameter missing
get_xml_failed Failed to get user's Aadhaar XML.
unwrap_aadhaar_failedFailed to unwrap user's Aadhaar data.
user_consent_not_givenUser has not given consent for this document.
upstream_server_error Upstream service failure
Document Repository Service Error
Partner Service Error
Invalid response from issuer [#ISR400]
internal_server_error Internal server error
customer_detail_mismatch Mismatch in customer data (e.g. dob/name) across documents (e.g. aadhaar, pan)
invalid_uri No file found for given URI
aadhaar_not_available Aadhaar data is not available for this user. Please perform Aadhaar KYC again.
consent_not_given Only accepted value for consent is 'Y'
vault_secret_error Missing request headers for secrets
invalid_match_key Please enter a valid uuid for the match key

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