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#FI data types

The Account Aggregator(AA) ecosystem supports 23 FI types spread across bank, insurance, pension and investments FI types as discussed below.
The schema across all FI types adheres to a set of defined components:

  • Profile -Gives account holder information like name, date of birth, nominee etc.
  • Summary -Summarises the account information like account type, current balance, opening details etc.
  • Transactions - Contains list of transactions with details like transaction type, mode, narration among others.

#Testing with Setu FIP

Setu FIP helps you get access to rich mock data for various FI types as per the Account Aggregator specifications. The currently supported FI types are:

CategoryFI Types

More FI types will be available soon.

How to test?
  1. Call Create Consent Request API
  2. Open url to initiate consent manager flow
  3. Select and link Setu FIP and approve the consent
    • The approved consent allows you to initiate Data flow with Setu FIP
  4. Create a Data Session for the approved consent
    • Setu FIP prepares the data as per your consent request
  5. Call Fetch FI Data and get Deposit FI data from Setu FIP

Financial data from Setu FIP is available in xml and JSON formats.
Specify the required format as part of Get Data Session API.

This page will help you understand the structure of each FI type and what data will be available for you to build on top of. These FI types contain one account per FI type with 15 to 30 transactions spread across 6 months (Jan 1, 2021 to June, 30, 2021). We're adding dynamic mock data for more realistic and exhaustive integration testing.

#Bank FI Types

Deposits (DEPOSIT)

"type" : "deposit",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"address": "4/1290, 785th Cross, 13rd Main, 7th Block, Bangalore - 569911",
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1970",
"email": "ram.sapan@gmail.com",
"landline": "",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Ramkrishna Sapan",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL1234C"
"type": "Single"
"summary": {
"balanceDateTime": "2021-06-22T13:20:00+05:30",
"branch": "Jayanagar 7th Block",
"currency": "INR",
"currentBalance": "101666.33",
"currentODLimit": "0",
"drawingLimit": "0",
"exchgeRate": "",
"facility": "OD",
"ifscCode": "APNB0001154",
"micrCode": "500245646",
"openingDate": "06-08-1999",
"pending": {
"amount": "0",
"transactionType": "DEBIT"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "SAVINGS"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "1239",
"currentBalance": "62289.25",
"mode": "UPI",
"narration": "UPI/935314560764/getsimpl/simpl@axisbank/Axis Bank",
"reference": "RFN00013383",
"transactionTimestamp": "2021-04-01T13:20:14+05:30",
"txnId": "M3258741",
"type": "DEBIT",
"valueDate": "2021-04-01"

Term deposits (TERM_DEPOSIT)

"type": "term_deposit",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"address": "4/1290, 785th Cross, 13rd Main, 7th Block, Bangalore - 569911",
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1970",
"email": "ram.sapan@gmail.com",
"landline": "",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Ramkrishna Sapan",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL1234C"
"summary": {
"accountType": "FIXED",
"branch": "Jayanagar 7th Block",
"compoundingFrequency": "HALF-YEARLY",
"currentValue": "119845.90",
"description": "",
"ifsc": "APNB0001154",
"interestComputation": "COMPOUND",
"interestOnMaturity": "",
"interestPayout": "HALF-YEARLY",
"interestPeriodicPayoutAmount": "",
"interestRate": "2",
"maturityAmount": "10.0",
"maturityDate": "12-11-2021",
"openingDate": "06-08-2019",
"principalAmount": "109890.98",
"recurringAmount": "2453",
"recurringDepositDay": "06-08-2019",
"tenureDays": "180",
"tenureMonths": "6",
"tenureYears": "0.5"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "1239",
"currentBalance": "62289.25",
"mode": "UPI",
"narration": "UPI/935314560764/getsimpl/simpl@axisbank/Axis Bank",
"reference": "RFN0TD0013383",
"transactionTimestamp": "2021-04-01T13:20:14+05:30",
"txnId": "TD3258741",
"type": "DEBIT",
"valueDate": "2021-04-01"

Recurring Deposits (RECURRING_DEPOSIT)

"type": "recurring_deposit",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"address": "4/1290, 785th Cross, 13rd Main, 7th Block, Bangalore - 569911",
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1970",
"email": "ram.sapan@gmail.com",
"landline": "",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Ramkrishna Sapan",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL1234C"
"type": "JOINT"
"summary": {
"accountType": "FIXED",
"branch": "Jayanagar 7th Block",
"compoundingFrequency": "HALF-YEARLY",
"currentValue": "119845.90",
"description": "",
"ifsc": "APNB0001154",
"interestComputation": "COMPOUND",
"interestOnMaturity": "",
"interestPayout": "HALF-YEARLY",
"interestPeriodicPayoutAmount": "",
"interestRate": "2",
"maturityAmount": "10.0",
"maturityDate": "12-11-2021",
"openingDate": "06-08-2019",
"principalAmount": "109890.98",
"recurringAmount": "2453",
"recurringDepositDay": "06-08-2019",
"tenureDays": "180",
"tenureMonths": "6",
"tenureYears": "0.5"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "1239",
"currentBalance": "62289.25",
"mode": "UPI",
"narration": "UPI/935314560764/getsimpl/simpl@axisbank/Axis Bank",
"reference": "RFN0RD0013383",
"transactionTimestamp": "2021-04-01T13:20:14+05:30",
"txnId": "RD3258741",
"type": "DEBIT",
"valueDate": "2021-04-01"

Certificates of Deposit (CD)

"type": "cd",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "213000",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"companyName": "Deposits Registry Ltd.",
"description": "",
"faceValue": "230000",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"issueDate": "2021-02-12",
"issuerName": "Mukesh Y",
"lastTradedDate": "2021-04-12",
"lastTradedRate": "2",
"maturityDate": "2024-02-12",
"scheme": "TERM",
"symbol": "",
"tenureDays": "120",
"tenureMonths": "36",
"tenureYears": "3",
"yield": "6"
"type": "CD"
"investmentValue": "200000"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"currency": "INR",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"narration": "",
"otherTaxes": "34",
"rate": "15000",
"stt": "23",
"totalCharge": "2450",
"tradeValue": "1345",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "CDR9084JED",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "1"

Indian Depository Receipts (IDR)

"type": "idr",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1970",
"email": "ram.sapan@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Ramkrishna Sapan",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL1234C"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "23459.0",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"description": "",
"investmentDateTime": "2021-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"isin": "APNDR",
"issuerName": "APNA Depository Receipts",
"lastTradedPrice": "70",
"rate": "6",
"units": "30"
"type": "DEMAT"
"investmentValue": "12000.0"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"companyName": "",
"exchange": "BSE",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"narration": "",
"orderId": "ORD98703245",
"otherCharges": "109",
"rate": "8",
"shareHolerEquityType": "COMMON-STOCK",
"symbol": "",
"totalCharge": "100",
"tradeId": "TIDR76TY90",
"tradeValue": "109",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "M59555532",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "10"

#Insurance FI types

Insurance Policies (INSURANCE_POLICIES)

"type" : "insurance_policies",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T",
"rank": "1"
"type": "JOINT"
"riders": {
"rider": [
"policyEndDate": "12-03-2033",
"policyStartDate": "12-03-2021",
"premiumAmount": "1600000",
"riderType": "Waiver of premium",
"sumAssured": "1500000",
"tenureMonths": "144",
"tenureYears": "12"
"summary": {
"contractClauses": {
"contractClause": [
"amount": "75000",
"conditions": "",
"description": "",
"exlcusions": "",
"subLimit": "",
"title": "Children Plan"
"coverAmount": "1300000",
"coverType": "BUILDING",
"covers": {
"cover": [
"amount": "120000",
"description": ""
"eiaNumber": "TY67HG5THL",
"maturityBenefit": "",
"maturityDate": "2004-04-12",
"moneyBacks": {
"moneyBack": [
"amount": "1000",
"date": "12-03-28",
"description": ""
"policyName": "APNA Life Insurance",
"policyNumber": "APNI789008",
"policyStartDate": "12-03-2021",
"policyType": "CHILDREN_PLAN",
"premiumAmount": "1600000",
"premiumFrequency": "HALF_YEARLY",
"premiumPaymentMonths": "24",
"premiumPaymentYears": "2",
"sumAssured": "1500000",
"tenureMonths": "144",
"tenureYears": "12"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "5000",
"narration": "BIL/BPAY/001982030055/BSE ISIP/BSE000000034260 ",
"txnDate": "2021-05-09T18:33:56+05:30",
"txnId": "M69761383",
"type": "BONUS"

Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)

"type" : "ulip",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"type": "JOINT",
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T",
"dematId": "A8SD39DSD"
"riders": {
"rider": {
"riderType": "Waiver of premium",
"sumAssured": "1000",
"tenureYears": "2",
"tenureMonths": "24",
"policyStartDate": "2021-01-12",
"policyEndDate": "2023-01-12",
"premiumAmount": "200000",
"description": ""
"summary": {
"type": "HEALTH",
"productName": "HEALTH INSURANCE",
"productDescription": "",
"sumAssured": "209000",
"tenureYears": "2",
"tenureMonths": "24",
"premiumAmount": "100",
"policyStartDate": "2021-01-12",
"policyMaturityDate": "2023-01-12",
"premiumFrequency": "HALF_YEARLY",
"premiumPaymentYears": "1",
"premiumPaymentMonths": "12",
"nextPremiumDueDate": "2021-01-12",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"name": "APNA Insurance",
"type": "BALANCED",
"units": "2",
"cost": "200",
"nav": "",
"allocationPercentage": "4",
"premiumAllocation": "5",
"currentValue": "2090",
"description": ""
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"txnDate": "2021-01-09T18:33:56+05:30",
"txnId": "M69761383",
"fundName": "",
"units": "2",
"nav": "10",
"navDate": "2021-04-12",
"cost": "1000",
"premium": "200",
"premiumAllocationCharge": "20",
"otherCharges": "10",
"narration": ""

#Pension FI types

Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

"type" : "epf",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1989",
"email": "gpatel.1234@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Gurmeet Patel",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BTHPL6749C"
"summary": {
"currentBalance": "280000",
"employeeBalance": "100000",
"employerBalance": "200000",
"establishmentId": "ISI-PS-23943",
"establishmentName": "Public Services Ltd.",
"openingDate": "2011-01-12",
"totalBalance": "300300"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"employeeDepositAmount": "1239",
"employeeWithdrawalAmount": "500",
"employerDepositAmount": "1000",
"employerWithdrawalAmount": "100",
"narration": "UPI/935314560764/getsimpl/simpl@axisbank/Axis Bank",
"pensionFundAmount": "62289.25",
"txnDate": "2021-04-01T13:20:14+05:30",
"txnId": "M3258741",
"type": "ADJUSTMENT"

Public Provident Fund (PPF)

"type" : "ppf",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "avinash.mishra@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Avinash Mishra",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL6789C"
"type": "JOINT"
"summary": {
"branchAddr": "",
"currenBalance": "1000000",
"ifscCode": "APNB0001154",
"maturityDate": "2021-12-12",
"micrCode": "500245646",
"openingDate": "2021-01-01",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "1239",
"balance": "62289.25",
"narration": "UPI/935314560764/getsimpl/simpl@axisbank/Axis Bank",
"txnDate": "2021-04-01T13:20:14+05:30",
"txnId": "M3258741",
"type": "DEPOSIT",
"valueDate": "2021-04-01"

#Investment FI types

Mutual Funds (MUTUAL_FUNDS)

"type" : "mutual_funds",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"address": "8/1492, 765th Cross, 12th Main, 18th Block, Bangalore - 569911",
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"landline": "",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "156000",
"investmentValue": "130000",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": [
"FatcaStatus": "YES",
"amc": "Apna Mutual Funds",
"amfiCode": "APFMST123",
"closingUnits": "26",
"dividendType": "Cash",
"folioNo": "876",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"lienUnits": "15",
"lockingUnits": "12",
"mode": "SIP",
"nav": "512",
"rate": "469",
"registrar": "CAMS",
"schemeCode": "APMFST",
"ucc": "APMF",
"units": "21"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amc": "Apna Mutual Funds",
"amfiCode": "",
"amount": "",
"closingUnits": "",
"executionDate": "2002-09-24",
"fundType": "EQUITY",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"lienUnits": "",
"lock-inDays": "",
"lock-inFlag": "",
"mode": "DEMAT",
"narration": "",
"nav": "",
"navDate": "2020-09-24",
"orderDate": "2002-09-24",
"registrar": "CAMS",
"schemeCategory": "AGGRESSIVE_HYBRID_FUND",
"schemeCode": "APMFST",
"schemeOption": "REINVEST",
"schemePlan": "DIRECT",
"schemeTypes": "DEBT_SCHEMES",
"txnId": "M6328NDS",
"type": "BUY",
"ucc": ""

Bonds (BONDS)

"type" : "bonds",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "205000",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"accruedInterestAmount": "4",
"autionDate": "2021-04-30",
"compoundingFrequency": "HALF_YEARLY",
"coupanComputation": "COMPOUND",
"coupanPaymentDate": "2021-04-12",
"couponRate": "6",
"creditRating": "615",
"creditRatingAgency": "CIBIL",
"description": "",
"faceValue": "19",
"interestOnMaturity": "3",
"interestPayout": "HALF_YEARLY",
"isin": "DGRL893455",
"issueDate": "2021-01-12",
"issueRate": "",
"issuerName": "Mukesh G",
"lastTradedDate": "2021-03-12",
"lastTradedRate": "6",
"maturityDate": "2021-12-12",
"principleAmount": "200000",
"symbol": "",
"taxable": "true",
"tenureDays": "120",
"tenureMoths": "36",
"tenureYears": "3",
"units": "34"
"investmentValue": "200000"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"currency": "INR",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"narration": "",
"otherTaxes": "34",
"rate": "15000",
"totalCharge": "2450",
"tradeValue": "1345",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "CDR9084JED",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "1"

Debentures (DEBENTURES)

"type" : "debentures",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "sushila_rama.90@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Sushila Rama",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "205000",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"coupon": "",
"creditRating": "615",
"description": "",
"faceValue": "19",
"fixedIncomePortfolio": "",
"isin": "DGRL893455",
"issueDate": "2021-01-12",
"issuerName": "Mukesh G",
"lastTradedDate": "2021-04-12",
"lastTradedRate": "2",
"maturityDate": "2024-02-12",
"principleAmount": "200000",
"symbol": "",
"taxable": "YES",
"tenureDays": "120",
"tenureMoths": "36",
"tenureYears": "3",
"units": "34",
"yield": "6"
"investmentValue": "200000"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"currency": "INR",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"otherTaxes": "34",
"rate": "15000",
"totalCharge": "2450",
"tradeValue": "1345",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "CDR9084JED",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "1"

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

"type" : "etf",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "sushila_rama.90@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Sushila Rama",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T",
"dematId": "1234567898765432",
"dpId": "12345678",
"boId": "98765432",
"summary": {
"investmentValue": "200000",
"currentValue": "250000",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"folioNo": "876",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"schemeName": "FIXED_INTEREST",
"dpId": "DP786TYH",
"units": "30",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"mode": "DEMAT",
"rate": "20",
"nav": "",
"lastNavDate": "2021-04-12",
"symbol": "",
"description": ""
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"txnId": "HY63944T6",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"units": "20",
"amount": "3000.0",
"schemeName": "FIXED_INTEREST",
"dpId": "DP786TYH",
"schemeMinLotSize": "",
"faceValueofUnits": "40.0",
"nav": "",
"type": "BUY",
"orderDate": "2021-01-12",
"executionDate": "2021-01-12",
"mode": "DEMAT",
"narration": "",

National Pension System (NPS)

"type" : "nps",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"pranId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "sushila_rama.90@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Sushila Rama",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "150000",
"tier1NAVDate": "2021-01-12",
"tier2NAVDate": "",
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"schemeName": "INTEREST"
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"nav": "",
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"schemeName": "INTEREST",
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"totalValueOfScheme": "350000"
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"schemePreferenceType": "INACTIVE",
"freeUnits": "",
"investmentCost": "",
"investmentValue": "",
"tier2Holding": {
"amount": "",
"amountInTransition": "",
"blockedUnits": "",
"freeUnits": "",
"nav": "",
"schemeId": "",
"schemeName": "",
"totalUnits": "",
"totalValueOfScheme": ""
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"startDate": "",
"tier1SchemeTransactions": {
"tier1SchemeTransaction": [
"txnId": "NSD7HS93MSD",
"txnDate": "2021-01-12",
"type": "ADJUSTMENT",
"narration": "",
"schemeId": "FPRT78092",
"schemeName": "INTEREST",
"allocationPercent": "8",
"amount": "1000",
"nav": "",
"units": "10",
"cumulativeUnits": "14"
"tier2SchemeTransactions": {
"tier2SchemeTransaction": {
"txnId": "",
"txnDate": "",
"type": "",
"schemeId": "",
"schemeName": "",
"narration": "",
"allocationPercent": "",
"amount": "",
"nav": "",
"units": "",
"cumulativeUnits": ""
"tier1InvestmentTransactions": {
"tier1InvestmentTransaction": [
"txnId": "AW8934HA0A",
"txnDate": "2021-01-12",
"narration": "",
"subscriberContribution": "200",
"employerContribution": "200",
"totalContribution": "400"
"tier2InvestmentTransactions": {
"tier2InvestmentTransaction": {
"txnId": "",
"txnDate": "",
"type": "",
"narration": "",
"subscriberContribution": "",
"employerContribution": "0",
"totalContribution": ""

Government Securities (GOVT_SECURITIES)

"type" : "govt_securities",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "205000",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"accruedInterestAmount": "4",
"autionDate": "2021-04-30",
"compoundingFrequency": "HALF_YEARLY",
"coupanComputation": "COMPOUND",
"coupanPaymentDate": "2021-04-12",
"couponRate": "6",
"creditRating": "615",
"creditRatingAgency": "CIBIL",
"description": "",
"faceValue": "19",
"interestOnMaturity": "3",
"interestPayout": "HALF_YEARLY",
"isin": "DGRL893455",
"issueDate": "2021-01-12",
"issueRate": "",
"issuerName": "Mukesh G",
"lastTradedDate": "2021-03-12",
"lastTradedRate": "6",
"maturityDate": "2021-12-12",
"principleAmount": "200000",
"symbol": "",
"taxable": "true",
"tenureDays": "120",
"tenureMoths": "36",
"tenureYears": "3",
"units": "34"
"investmentValue": "200000"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"currency": "INR",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"narration": "",
"otherTaxes": "34",
"rate": "15000",
"totalCharge": "2450",
"tradeValue": "1345",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "CDR9084JED",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "1"

Commercial Paper (CP)

"type" : "cp",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "205000",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"auctionDate": "2004-04-30",
"creditRating": "615",
"creditRatingAgency": "CIBIL",
"currentValue": "205000",
"description": "",
"faceValue": "19",
"investmentValue": "200000",
"isin": "DGRL893455",
"issueDate": "2021-01-12",
"issuerName": "Mukesh G",
"maturityDate": "2021-12-12",
"principleAmount": "200000",
"symbol": "",
"tenureDays": "120",
"tenureMoths": "36",
"tenureYears": "3",
"units": "34"
"investmentValue": "200000"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"currency": "INR",
"isin": "DRL893455",
"narration": "",
"otherTaxes": "34",
"rate": "15000",
"totalCharge": "2450",
"tradeValue": "1345",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "CDR9084JED",
"type": "BUY",
"units": "1"

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

"type" : "reit",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "n.chopra123@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Neeraj Chopra",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BTYOL1234T"
"type": "JOINT"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "20.0",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"description": "",
"investmentDateTime": "2004-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"isin": "",
"issuerName": "",
"lastClosingRate": "234.09",
"nomineeStatus": "REGISTERED",
"rate": "20.0",
"totalNumberUnits": "10"
"investmentValue": "10.0"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"exchange": "",
"isin": "",
"issuerName": "",
"narration": "",
"numUnitsTransacted": "10",
"otherCharges": "10.0",
"price": "100",
"symbol": "",
"totalCharge": "200.0",
"tradeValue": "230.05",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"transactionDescription": "",
"txnId": "",
"unitsType": ""

Infrastructure Investment Trusts (INVIT)

"type" : "invit",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "n.chopra123@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Neeraj Chopra",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BTYOL1234T"
"summary": {
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"description": "",
"investmentDateTime": "2017-12-31T16:20:00-04:00",
"isin": "",
"issuerName": "",
"lastClosingRate": "234.09",
"rate": "20.0",
"totalNumberUnits": "10"
"currentValue": "20.0",
"investmentValue": "10.0"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"exchange": "",
"isin": "",
"issuerName": "",
"numUnitsTransacted": "10",
"otherCharges": "10.0",
"price": "100",
"symbol": "",
"totalCharge": "200.0",
"tradeValue": "230.05",
"transactionDateTime": "2017-12-31T16:20:00-04:00",
"transactionDescription": "",
"txnId": "",
"unitsType": ""

Alternate Investment Funds (AIF)

"type" : "aif",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": {
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "",
"dob": "2002-09-24",
"email": "qwgmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "",
"nominee": "NOT-REGISTERED",
"pan": "AAAPL1234C"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "20.0",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"description": "",
"holdingPeriod": "",
"issuerName": "",
"lastValuationDate": "2002-09-24",
"mtmOnLastValuation": "200",
"purchaseDate": "2002-09-24",
"purchasePrice": "20.0",
"typeOfSecurity": "LISTED-EQUITY",
"valuationMethodology": ""
"investmentValue": "10.0",
"totalNumUnitsIssued": "20"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"fundFeesPaymentAmount": "10.0",
"fundFeesPaymentDate": "2002-09-24",
"investmentDateTime": "2004-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"investmentValue": "20.0",
"nameofAsset": "",
"narration": "",
"paymentInvestorAmount": "40.0",
"paymentInvestorDate": "2002-09-24",
"reInvestmentDate": "2002-09-24",
"reInvestmentValue": "30.0",
"redemptionDate": "2002-09-24",
"redemptionValue": "23.0",
"taxPaidDate": "2002-09-24",
"taxPaidValue": "20.0",
"txnId": ""

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

"type" : "sip",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1980",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T"
"type": "JOINT"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "76880",
"folioNo": "876",
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"amc": "Apna Mutual Funds",
"amfiCode": "APFMST123",
"amount": "3000",
"ceasedDate": "",
"completeInstalments": "500",
"creationDate": "2021-01-12",
"devidentType": "",
"email": "manisha.34@gmail.com",
"folioNo": "876",
"frequency": "10",
"holder1Name": "Manisha Vijayakumar",
"holder2Name": "",
"holdingType": "SOLE",
"instalmentDay": "45",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"lastInstalmentDate": "2021-04-12",
"modificationDate": "",
"nav": "",
"nextInstalmentDate": "2021-06-12",
"nominee": "OTHERS",
"pendingInstalments": "450",
"registrar": "CAMS",
"schemeCode": "APMFST",
"ucc": "APMF",
"units": "10",
"value": "20"
"investmentValue": "100000",
"investments": {
"investment": {
"endDate": "2021-12-12",
"startDate": "2021-01-12",
"type": "SOLE"
"issueDate": "2021-01-12",
"maturityDate": "2021-12-12",
"type": "SOLE"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amc": "",
"amfiCode": "",
"amount": "200",
"cost": "600",
"folioNo": "",
"isin": "",
"narration": "",
"nav": "",
"scheme": "",
"stt": "",
"txnDate": "2021-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "",
"type": "BUY",
"ucc": "",
"units": ""

Equity Shares (EQUITIES)

"type" : "equities",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "sushila_rama.90@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Sushila Rama",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BYHPL1234T",
"dematId": "1234567898765432",
"dpId": "12345678",
"boId": "98765432",
"summary": {
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"description": "",
"investmentDateTime": "2004-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"isin": "",
"issuerName": "",
"lastTradedPrice": "",
"rate": "",
"units": ""
"type": "DEMAT"
"currentValue": "20.0",
"investmentValue": "10.0"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"companyName": "",
"equityCategory": "CURRENCY_DERIVATIVES",
"exchange": "BSE",
"instrumentType": "OPTIONS",
"isin": "",
"narration": "",
"optionType": "CALL",
"orderId": "",
"otherCharges": "",
"rate": "",
"shareHolderEquityType": "",
"strikePrice": "700",
"symbol": "",
"totalCharge": "",
"tradeValue": "",
"transactionDateTime": "2004-04-12T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "",
"type": "BUY",
"units": ""

Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)

"type" : "cis",
"masked_account_number": "XXXXXXX123",
"link_ref_number": "123456789",
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"ckycCompliance": "true",
"dematId": "Y68HS92S09S",
"dob": "24-07-1985",
"email": "n.chopra123@gmail.com",
"mobile": "91729391923",
"name": "Neeraj Chopra",
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"pan": "BTYOL1234T"
"summary": {
"currentValue": "130000.0",
"investment": {
"holdings": {
"holding": {
"closingUnits": "12",
"folioNo": "876",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"mode": "DEMAT",
"nav": "72",
"rate": "6",
"ucc": "",
"units": "10"
"investmentValue": "100000.0"
"transactions": {
"endDate": "",
"startDate": "",
"transaction": [
"amount": "200",
"closingUnits": "12",
"dividendType": "INTERIM-DIVIDENT",
"executionDate": "2021-01-04",
"isin": "INUS-000402625-0",
"mode": "DEMAT",
"narration": "",
"nav": "150",
"navDate": "2021-01-04",
"orderDate": "2021-01-04",
"schemeCode": "YSUDH83BS",
"transactionDateTime": "2021-01-04T13:20:00-05:00",
"txnId": "I3BSDFPS76",
"ucc": ""

#GST FI types

Goods and Services Tax (GSTR1_3B)

"Account": {
"maskedGstinNumber": "maskedGstinNumber1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"linkedAccRef": "linkedAccRef1",
"type": "gstr1_3b",
"Profile": {
"BusinessDetails": {
"lgnm": "Anupam Mukherjee",
"apprvdt": "2017-09-30",
"iscmp": "Yes",
"dty": "Normal",
"sts": "Active",
"trdnm": "Packaging",
"CategoryList": {
"cat": [
"Suppliers making supplies referred to in clause (b) of paragraph 6 of Schedule II",
"PlaceofBusiness": {
"Address": {
"bno": "31/1",
"flno": "III",
"bnm": "Venu Building",
"st": "Krishna Reddy Layout",
"loc": "Phase-II",
"stcd": "Karnataka",
"dst": "Mysore",
"pncd": "560100",
"NatureOfBusinessList": {
"Transactions": {
"strdt": "2023-01-01",
"endt": "2023-05-31",
"Gstr1Details": {
"gstr1": {
"ret_prd": "042021",
"dof": "01-JAN-2021",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"filingFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"b2b_dtls": {
"b2b": {
"ctin": "01AABCE2207R1Z5",
"inum": "S008400",
"idt": "24-11-2016",
"val": "729248.16",
"pos": "06",
"rchrg": "N",
"inv_typ": "R",
"opd": "2016-12",
"srctyp": "e-Invoice",
"irn": "897ADG56RTY78956HYUG90BNHHIJK453GFTD99845672FDHHHSHGFH4567FG56TR",
"irngendate": "24-12-2019",
"diff_percent": "0.65",
"itm_det": {
"itm": {
"txval": "10000",
"iamt": "325",
"camt": "0",
"samt": "0",
"csamt": "10"
"Gstr3bDetails": {
"gstr3b": {
"ret_prd": "072016",
"dof": "01-JAN-2021",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"filingFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"sup_details": {
"osup_det": {
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "100",
"camt": "200",
"samt": "300",
"csamt": "400"
"osup_zero": {
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "100",
"csamt": "400"
"osup_nil_exmp": {
"txval": "250"
"isup_rev": {
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "100",
"camt": "200",
"samt": "300",
"csamt": "400"
"osup_nongst": {
"txval": "250"
"sup_inter": {
"unreg_details_list": {
"unreg_details": [
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"comp_details_list": {
"comp_details": [
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"uin_details_list": {
"uin_details": [
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "200",
"pos": "07"
"eco_dtls": {
"eco_sup": {
"txval": "250",
"iamt": "100",
"camt": "200",
"samt": "300",
"csamt": "400"
"eco_reg_sup": {
"txval": "250"
"itc_elg": {
"itc_avl_list": {
"itc_avl": [
"type": "IMPG",
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99",
"csamt": "103"
"type": "ISRC",
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99",
"csamt": "103"
"itc_rev_list": {
"itc_rev": [
"type": "RUL",
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99",
"csamt": "103"
"type": "OTH",
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99",
"csamt": "103"
"itc_net": {
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99",
"csamt": "103"
"intr_ltfee": {
"intr_details_list": {
"intr_details": [
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99"
"iamt": "136.53",
"camt": "274",
"samt": "162.99"

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