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#Fixed Deposits SDK integration guide for Android

#Add a button

Add the following button at an appropriate location to your activity.

#Important notes

  • A valid SDK secretKey obtained from the bridge under-investment product has to be passed as secretKey in the function call.
  • Provide env as MOCK for mock environment and PROD for production environment.
  • Provide these values to theme some parts of the SDK—
    • logoUrl link to your logo
  • Provide redirectTo as the URL object to which the user should be redirected after the transaction is completed.
    • on success or failure, we will redirect user to success or failure URL, provided in redirectTo object with a query parameter applicationId with value as the application ID of the transaction.
    • this will help in easier way to map transactions with respect to one user and to check when one user has created multiple FDs with different providers
  • provider is the bank/NBFC offering the FD. Following are the values for various bank/NBFC partners—
providerprovider code
Ujjivan Small Finance BankUJVN
Bajaj Finance NBFCBAJAJ

All prefills aren't mandatory. Only email, amount, env and tenure are mandatory. If you choose to skip a prefill, simply don't include it in your code.

Note that the key provider has a value of UJVN, representing the FD providing bank.

Provide tenure in days. For example, if you want to provide a tenure of 180 days, provide tenure: 180. The range of tenure is 180 to 365 days.

Note that the key env has a value of MOCK, representing the current environment. The possible values are MOCK, UAT and PROD.

To re-initate the SDK for user to restart from where the user left. You need to call this function once again.

This is a sample implementation of invoking our FD SDK in Android.

Android implementation using Java

package com.example.deposits; // Replace with your package name
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WebView webView = getWebviewObject();
// HTML to load SDK
String html = "<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><p>Loading...</p>";
String encodedHtml = Base64.encodeToString(html.getBytes(),Base64.NO_PADDING);
// Set prefills here
JSONObject prefills = new JSONObject();
try {
prefills.put("secretKey", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY");
prefills.put("env", "MOCK"); // MOCK, PROD
prefills.put("partnerName", "YOUR_PARTNER_NAME");
prefills.put("theme", getPrefillsTheme());
prefills.put("provider", "UJVN");
prefills.put("prefills", getPrefills());
prefills.put("personalParams", getPersonalParams());
prefills.put("nomineeParams", getNomineeParams());
prefills.put("maturityParams", getMaturityParams());
prefills.put("redirectTo", getRedirectionDetails());
} catch (JSONException e) {
String jsString = "(function handleClick(){document.Setu.FD.init(%s)})();";
String injectableJS = String.format(jsString, prefills);
webView.loadData(encodedHtml, "text/html", "base64");
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
if (view.getUrl().startsWith("data:")){
view.evaluateJavascript( injectableJS, paRes -> {
// Handle response here
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
// Set theme
JSONObject getPrefillsTheme() throws JSONException {
JSONObject theme = new JSONObject();
theme.put("logoUrl", "");
theme.put("primaryColor", "#3742FA");
theme.put("secondaryColor", "#E2ECFC");
theme.put("primaryTextColor", "#1A202C");
theme.put("secondaryTextColor", "#A0AEC0");
theme.put("hoverOnPrimaryColor", "#2C3AFA");
theme.put("inputFieldBackgroundColor", "#F7FAFC");
theme.put("inputFieldBorderColor", "#3742FA");
theme.put("cardColor", "#FFFFFF");
theme.put("globalBackgroundColor", "#F7FAFC");
return theme;
// Set amount, tenue and KYC params
JSONObject getPrefills() throws JSONException {
JSONObject prefils = new JSONObject();
prefils.put("amount", 25000);
prefils.put("tenure", 180);
JSONObject kyc = new JSONObject();
kyc.put("email", "");
kyc.put("pan", "ABCD1234E");
kyc.put("mobile", "9998887776");
prefils.put("kycParams", kyc);
return prefils;
// Set personal params
JSONObject getPersonalParams() throws JSONException {
JSONObject personal = new JSONObject();
personal.put("mothersName", "Rhea");
personal.put("fathersName", "Kronos");
personal.put("maritalStatus", "MARRIED");
personal.put("spouseName", "Hera");
personal.put("qualification", "10TH");
personal.put("occupation", "EMPLOYED");
personal.put("designation", "SALARIED");
personal.put("communicationAddress", "6th main, Subhash Nagar, Tumkur");
personal.put("communicationPinCode", "560023");
return personal;
// Set nominee params
JSONObject getNomineeParams() throws JSONException {
JSONObject nomineeParams = new JSONObject();
nomineeParams.put("nomineeRelationship", "SON");
nomineeParams.put("nomineeName", "Suresh");
nomineeParams.put("nomineeDob", "1992-11-11");
nomineeParams.put("nomineeEmail", "");
nomineeParams.put("nomineePincode", "560023");
return nomineeParams;
// Set account details
JSONObject getMaturityParams() throws JSONException {
JSONObject maturityParams = new JSONObject();
maturityParams.put("maturityIfsc", "SBIN0050432");
maturityParams.put("maturityAccountNumber", "00112233445566");
return maturityParams;
// Set redirection object
JSONObject getRedirectionDetails() throws JSONException {
JSONObject redirectTo = new JSONObject();
redirectTo.put("success", "");
redirectTo.put("failure", "");
return redirectTo;
WebView getWebviewObject(){
WebView webView = findViewById(;
return webView;

#Mock values for testing

Once you have successfully embedded the SDK on your page, use the following input values for testing the SDK journey in sandbox—

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