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Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is an initiative aiming at promoting open networks for all aspects of exchange of goods and services over digital or electronic networks. ONDC is to be based on open-sourced methodology, using open specifications and open network protocols independent of any specific platform.

The foundations of ONDC are to be open protocols for all aspects in the entire chain of activities in exchange of goods and services, similar to hypertext transfer protocol for information exchange over internet, simple mail transfer protocol for exchange of emails and unified payments interface for payments.

These open protocols would be used for establishing public digital infrastructure in the form of open registries and open network gateways to enable exchange of information between providers and consumers. Providers and consumers would be able to use any compatible application of their choice for exchange of information and carrying out transactions over ONDC.

Thus, ONDC goes beyond the current platform-centric digital commerce model where the buyer and seller have to use the same platform or application to be digitally visible and do a business transaction.

#Beckn Protocol

Beckn is an open protocol for location-aware, local commerce. It makes it possible services and sales offers to be discovered across industries and fetched by any consumer application. Thus it helps deliver offers and services to the shopper seamlessly, by combining offer/services of any form or provider. The protocol takes advantage of the 5G and high-speed network technologies to implement e-commerce capability in the network and/or the transport layer. This makes the sales offers or services open and accessible to the Application layer of any Beckn-aware implementation. The Beckn protocol is implementable also on middleware and firmware levels.

Beckn is a protocol, not a platform.

It's a collection of open specifications that deliver Beckn’s functionality. The specifications consist of protocol APIs, message formats, network design and reference algorithms, which allow multiple commercial service provider entities to bring their services together to offer one seamless integrated experience to their customers.

This de-couples the demand-side digital infrastructure (apps and other channels) from the supply-side service provisioning infrastructure. It does this by making integrated location-aware services available not just on a single platform but potentially on any online consumer interface (online maps, messaging, wallets, voice assistant apps and devices) that has mainstream adoption in a city.

It has a decentralized architecture that obviates the need for creating a centralized platform in order to integrate services from multiple providers simultaneously. The protocol ensures privacy and security by design by enabling secure, privacy-protected interactions.

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