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#Seller APIs

The Seller resource is used to define the legal entity that is responsible for selling goods and services on ONDC. This resource sets permissions and boundaries a Seller and its Storefronts can operate within.

The Seller APIs allow you to—

  1. Create a Seller
  2. Get details for a seller
  3. Update details for a seller
  4. Delete a seller

In the following section we will discuss each of the APIs in more detail. We have populated each of the fields with sample data to give the reader a better feel of the actual requests and responses. Refer to the API reference to get a better understanding of all the possible values for each of the parameters.

#Create a new seller

This API is used to create a new seller in our system.

Sample request
"seller_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "string",
"legal_entity_name": "string",
"incorporation_type": "string",
"gst_number": "string",
"pan_number": "string",
"categories": [
"fssai_number": "string", //optional, unless F&B or Grocery category
"bank_account": { //used to settle money for goods purchased by customers
"account_number": "string",
"ifsc_code": "string"
"consent_object": "string"

The following validations are used to determine if a seller is successfully created—

  1. The seller_id should be unique, as per the buyer platform
  2. Seller’s gst_number, pan_number, bank_account will be verified by Setu. Note that the seller name from pan_number verification and name against bank_account should match.

Note: While FSSAI number is optional, it is mandatory for Sellers that belong to the F&B or Grocery category.

Sample response

"setu_seller_id": "<YOUR_SELLER_ID>"
Make sure to store setu_seller_id against the seller_id. The Storefront APIs uses setu_seller_id to create and manage the Storefront resource.

#Get details for a seller

Retrieve all information for an existing seller, by passing the seller_id as a parameter in the URL.


"seller_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "Setu",
"legal_entity_name": "Broken Tusk Technologies Private Limited",
"incorporation_type": "PRLC",
"gst_number": "24AAACC1206D1ZM",
"pan_number": "FBOPS2165C",
"categories": ["F&B", "Grocery"],
"fssai_number": "12319678901234", //optional, unless F&B or Grocery category
"bank_account": { //used to settle money for goods purchased by customers
"account_number": "6312763481",
"ifsc_code": "KKBK0000187"
"consent_object": "string"

#Update details for a seller

This API is used to update a Seller’s information. The following parameters can be updated—

  1. seller_id
  2. name
  3. legal_entity_name
  4. incorporations_type
  5. gst_number
  6. pan_number
  7. fssai_number
  8. categories
  9. bank_account

Updating the gst_number pan_number and bank_account re-triggers the verification process for a new seller.

Note that you can choose to share only the data that needs to be updated. For e.g., the below code-block demonstrates how only the gst_number and bank_account could be updated.

Sample request
"gst_number": "ADJKNEMDI1234S",
"bank_account": {
"account_number": "12482883913",
"ifsc_code": "HDFC00109202"

Sample Response


#Delete an existing seller

Permanently deletes an existing seller from our system.



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